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For the best sound, should I be sticking with Audirvana or migrating to a different software?

[Audirvana Plus

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This is how you can manually remove Audirvana Plus 1. How to Remove Audirvana Plus 1. Using App Uninstaller by AppUninstaller. There you go: 1. In addition, instrumental textures were somewhat synthetic and lacking the liquidity and roundness heard through other admittedly more expensive processors. Overall, I preferred the Meridian on classical music and most acoustic jazz. With some electronic music in which soundstage depth and accurate tonal shadings are less important, the DDE, with its superior rhythmic drive and sharper soundstage focus, ran a much closer race.

While it has some sonic shortcomings, it nevertheless offers a level of musical performance previously unheard of at this low price. That was a long time ago. Time to let go. Besides, from the moment I heard the SACD at that press event, I was indeed impressed by its analog-like sense of musical flow and momentum.

A lot has happened since then. While the Luxman DA is one of about three dozen converters on the market that can process and stream 2. Additionally, PCM playback through the Luxman DA can be optimized with a choice of three user-selectable digital filters, derived from different bit interpolation functions.

Users can just as easily select between two different high-frequency-rolloff characteristics during DSD playback, but those filters exist only in the analog domain. According to Luxman, digital inputs of Digital signals arriving through the USB input are said to be streamed asynchronously. Single-ended analog output signals appear on a pair of RCA jacks, balanced signals on a pair of XLR sockets pin 2 is hot. Interior build quality is superb, with most of the circuitry divided among three main boards, for analog output the largest board , digital processing, and the power supply.

Installation and setup Being not too big, too heavy, or possessed of controls too inscrutable, the Luxman DA was cake to install. Subsequent broadcasts sounded fine. Listening Reality prevails. Used in that manner, the Luxman suggested an idealized and vastly more flexible version of the affordable and consistently listenable Halide DAC HD, which has become my USB reference during the past year. The Luxman went well beyond the Halide by sounding generously explicit, providing musical and sonic details in abundance and presenting them in a soundfield notable for its openness and general lack of murk.

Before turning to the answers to those questions, let me tell you a tale. A friend of mine back in the UK finally gave into temptation a couple of years back and bought a Ferrari. A year or so back, when I was visiting the old country, my friend was taking my wife and I for a spin in his dream car and asked if I would like to take a turn behind the wheel of the beast. But drive it I did. Yes, you could buy a lot of Hyundai Excels for the price of such a car, even quite a few Mustangs.

And an Excel will certainly get you to the same place via the same roads as will a Ferrari. I’ll look at Roon much much closer then, as I merely misunderstood how it worked The only downside for Roon that I see is it’s yearly subscription cost, unless you pony up and pay a one-time lifetime license fee. I’m on the pay each year plan until next summer. I’ll either subscribe again for a year or pay for the unlimited lifetime license. Nope,and I would guess the sound differnces is in the setup In fact, I think it was Amarra not Audirvana that I heard as the person doing the demo was using Amarra because of its room correction suite?

Once you start adding room correction, all bets are off when comparing software for sound, as you are never going to be able to comapre apples with apples. Just a matter of finally getting it set up properly. It took a little while to get HQP up and running on my Mac.

I got a prompt reply to my emails from Jussi and he sent some follow-up emails with filter suggestions. Full marks for that – this is very impressive customer service. This is just the demo version, but it did have some false starts when trying to play tracks.

Jury’s out on stability – I’m not commenting since it’s entirely new to me and I’m not a software geek, I’m a musician. First impression of HQP in default mode was of good vocals – smooth and pleasant. It didn’t take long, however, for me to start missing some of the detail and definition in the orchestral parts in the Janacek opera excerpts I was comparing. The individual instruments – strings, wind instruments etc – were somewhat muffled and lacked both attack and timbral definition.

The more I listened the more alarmed I got. I’m going to regret not having the pleasant sound to vocals in HQPlayer – they did sound less sharp. It’s not perfect but I haven’t heard anything better yet. It has the best level of overall musicality and that’s what counts for me – I listen to a lot of opera and orchestral detail and timbre is not negotiable! I haven’t, however, had time yet to try out Jussi’s other filter recommendations, so this may not be the last word.

I also have Audirvana 1. But that’s my preliminary impressions. I’d like to hear other listeners’ impressions, particularly on orchestral and opera. I have HQ 3. I upsample everything to DSD No one else does that, all others convert to PCM first. No problems at all operationally. That being said, my Sony HAP Z1 bettered my Lampizator and Mytek Dacs, by no small margin, in direct comparison using same files playing at the same time.

I’ve been searching for a replacement open Back Rack Cabinet, actually. I can’t wait for Sony’s replacement, Z2??? RE: I have HQ 3. OldmkVI as in Selmer I presume, so another musician? Maybe that will change things. Don’t know anything about DSD yet. RE: oldmkvi I thought it was The Cartier Edition? Selmer Mark VI. So they are ALL old , at this point! THEM, not me Played on a Selmer Bundy Clarinet in the late 50’s Made from only the Finest Aged Virgin Plastic.

For your Entry-Level playing pleasure. I used a Bundy Tenor a few times early in my early Classical Tenor career! Nope, the Selmer Bundy I had was all wood The ones I see on ebay are all plastic or have plastic bell and barrel and as I see on the internet the Selmer student instruments with the Bundy name sold in the mid to late 50’s were mostly resinite but they did make the Bundy in wood as well.

My teacher was a stickler for tone and would never have allowed a plastic clarinet or a Rico reed to enter his studio! Had another listen this morning. Once again struck by how smooth the vocals are in HQP. And that’s it really – definition. Listened again to some Janacek opera. Voices probably better in HQP but the orchestral instruments are less in focus – going towards a bit mushy.

Thing is the instructions really don’t help setting this up. This should be straightforward! OK – now I’m back up to 3. Now I have comparison 1. Thanks for the tips, paco. I can certainly hear a difference in sound quality. The vocals are smoother, more like HQP. Nice string sound too – smoother. The general sound is more airy and less boxy. And also the detail and instrumental timbre that I like in Audirvana in general is enhanced in the new version – I can hear more going on in the mix.

Altogether it has a somewhat wider and more pleasant soundscape – easier on the ear. I like it!! I do think it’s a step further.

I’d call this a result. I’m using Audirvana 2. Hopefully soon. RE: Now I have comparison 1. Wondering whether to ditch iTunes and use the Audirvana front end, posted on December 20, at So next question is whether the sound quality is better in native Audirvana rather than using iTunes for the playlists?

The better sound quality I’m getting is with the Audirvana front end. Drag and drop files into the Play Que. One last thing. Are you sure your levels were matched when you were comparing all this stuff? That in itself could make A LOT of difference in one’s subjective impressions. Good point always, but it’s more than sound levels, posted on December 20, at Good point about levels – I try to match them but don’t go as far as a decibel meter.

But the sound is just different, and in a good way fortunately. Just starting on Youtube, and even in mp3 it’s better. Not hugely but audibly. Thanks again Abe. The author probably assumed that he needed a NAS for his Roon system so that’s the route he took. And since he installed it on a NAS he was of course forced to control it remotely. This doesnt’ tell the whole story.

But wait, there’s more! I leave Roon running on my Mac in the office but not playing music in the office. I have the microRendu network streamer down in the basement and I take my iPad down there and direct Roon to stream and play music through the microRendu in my basement system instead of up in my office. I can play the same tune or different tunes in each location. The music files are stored there but they are being streamed over my network down to the basement microRendu.

I also stream my music library from the office Mac Mini to our bedroom or family room systems via the small AppleTV boxes in each room. Roon also supports streaming via Apple AirPlay protocol. So Roon is very flexible. Some folks like to use a dedicated NAS and that works great. But you do not have to use a NAS and you do not have to control Roon with a remote device.

RE: Wondering whether to ditch iTunes and use the Audirvana front end, posted on December 20, at Audiophile Posts: Location: S. From memory, our systems are more similar than different Bibo01 Audiophile Posts: Joined: December 18, He always recommends Vol Max -3 dB. This is to avoid digital clipping in many recordings and to allow for upsampling. Your welcome Abe. Back to listening, as well as learning as it the one area where one never stops growing thanks to guys like you and Mercman, I’m getting there.

RE: Wondering whether to ditch iTunes and use the Audirvana front end, posted on December 21, at Vloggers, social media begins, YouTubers and lots of different customers use it for creating skilled movies very quickly. It opens the brand new doorways of creativity for customers and helps them to create thoughts-blowing movies with out investing an excessive amount of time and efforts. This system comes with a characteristic-wealthy, but effectively-structured interface that allows clean navigation between the varied composition and enhancing capabilities.

It empowers you to take professional-high quality video in your cellular units with constructed-in digicam performance and do professional stage enhancing with easy instruments for audio, movement graphics, and extra, and share from the app to social channels like YouTube, Fb, and lnstagram.