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Free templates for microsoft office powerpoint 2007 free download

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Free templates for microsoft office powerpoint 2007 free download


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Free templates for microsoft office powerpoint 2007 free download

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Free PowerPoint Templates – Popular categories


You can create memorable and attractive presentations by using many of the templates that come with PowerPoint. Use the picture, shape, and graphic effects in these templates to add colorful, elegant, or playful backgrounds to your presentation. For the background images shown above and more, search for the template called “Backgrounds for PowerPoint slides.

Click a template thumbnail, preview the slides by clicking the forward and back arrows, and then click Create when you find the template you want. Note: You may want to use only a few of the slides from the template in your presentation.

For more information on how to apply a template to a new presentation, see the article Apply a template to a new presentation.

Upgrade to Microsoft to work anywhere from any device and continue to receive support. To find a template or slide with background images to begin a new presentation, do the following:. To browse a wide range of templates with backgrounds and individual slide backgrounds, search for “Backgrounds. Choose a template or design slide that has the backgrounds you like, and then click Download. For more information on how to apply a template to a new presentation, see the article Apply a template to your presentation.

Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click New. In the New Presentation dialog box, in the search box, do one of the following:. Choose a template or design slide that has the backgrounds you like, and then click OK. In the search box, do one of the following: To browse a wide range of templates with backgrounds, search for “Backgrounds. Support for Office ended on October 13, Upgrade to Microsoft to work anywhere from any device and continue to receive support.

To find a template or slide with background images to begin a new presentation, do the following: Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click New. In the New Presentation dialog box, in the search box, do one of the following: To browse a wide range of templates with backgrounds and individual slide backgrounds, search for “Backgrounds. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free.

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