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Free Access sites. Site, Description and sub-links. Microsoft · Knowledgebase. Template and sample databases. The Office Access and Access Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Database Engine (formerly Jet Database Engine). It can also import or link directly to. The Microsoft Access Runtime enables you to distribute Access applications to users who do not have the full version of Access.


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French mother tong and proficient in english for business we are the one skilled solution at This event is unique in our department. On this occasion, professional and Reunion Island Ideal for sporty, adventurous bon vivants. Wake up with the glow of the first rays of the sun over the mangrove forest. First a hearty breakfast with a view of the islands Nosy Carry out your projects in complete safety June 17, For all your credit or financing needs, we offer our services.

Reliable and very secure with a good interest rate. The property is about 12 minutes drive from Bought 15th October at Conforma, guaranteed for 2 years. Microsoft Office XP codenamed Office 10 [7] is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating system. Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , [8] and was later made available to retail on May 31, , less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP. X was released on November 19, New features in Office XP include smart tags , a selection-based search feature that recognizes different types of text in a document so that users can perform additional actions; a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them; new document collaboration capabilities, support for MSN Groups and SharePoint ; and integrated handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities.

With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office. Office XP is incompatible with Windows 95 and earlier versions of Windows. Office XP received mostly positive reviews upon its release, with critics praising its collaboration features, document protection and recovery functionality, and smart tags; however, the suite’s handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities were criticized and were mostly viewed as inferior to similar offerings from competitors.

As of May , over 60 million Office XP licenses had been sold. Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP during its lifetime. At a meeting with financial analysts in July , Microsoft demonstrated Office XP, then known by its codename, Office 10, which included a subset of features Microsoft designed in accordance with what at the time was known as the.

NET strategy , one by which it intended to provide extensive client access to various web services and features such as speech recognition. Before the release of Office 10 Beta 2, there was speculation that Microsoft intended to rebrand the new product as “Office ,” [22] “Office ,” [22] “Office. NET” but unnamed sources stated that the company did not desire to do the same with Office 10, as the product was only partially related to the company’s.

NET strategy. Office XP Beta 2 was released to 10, technical testers in late The Custom Maintenance Wizard, for example, now allowed setup components to be modified after their installation, and the setup process of Office XP itself used a new version of Windows Installer. Microsoft also terminated the product’s support for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.

Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , [8] and was later made available to retail on May 31, Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP throughout the product’s lifecycle that introduced security enhancements, stability improvements, and software bug fixes; each service pack was made available as separate Client and Full File update versions. Full File updates did not require access to installation media and were intended for network administrators to deploy updates to Office XP users who installed the product from a server location; [31] [32] [33] users could also manually install Full File updates.

Service Pack 1 SP1 was released on December 11, , and included performance and security improvements, as well as stability improvements based on error reports from users. Service Pack 2 SP2 , released on August 21, included all previously available standalone updates; some of the those previously released included cumulative security patches for Excel and Word to address potentially malicious code embedded in document macros.

Earlier updates were designed to update only administrative images and fail when applied directly to clients. Service Pack 3 SP3 was released on March 30, , and included all previously released updates, as well as previously unreleased stability improvements based on feedback and error reports received from users.

SP3 does not require any earlier service packs to be installed. Office XP has a streamlined, flatter appearance compared to previous versions of Office. According to Microsoft, this change involved “removing visually competing elements, visually prioritizing items on a page, increasing letter spacing and word spacing for better readability, and defining foreground and background color to bring the most important elements to the front.

Excel and Word introduce smart tags , commands for specific types of text including addresses , calendar dates , personal names , telephone numbers , ticker symbols , or tracking numbers in documents.

Excel and Word support extensible smart tags that allow developers and organizations to display custom commands related to specific information. The smart tags used by Word are also available in Outlook if the former is configured as the default e-mail editor. The AutoCorrect and Paste Options commands in previous versions of Office have been updated to include smart tags that are shared among all Office XP programs.

The AutoCorrect smart tag provides individual options to revert an automatic correction or to prohibit an automatic correction from occurring in the future, and also provides access to the AutoCorrect Options dialog box.

After the release of Office XP, Microsoft provided a repository for downloadable smart tags on its website. Office XP introduces a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them.

Word , for example, includes a task pane dedicated to style and formatting options. Users can switch between open task panes through the use of back and forward buttons; a drop-down list also presents specific task panes to which users can switch. The default Startup task pane is automatically available when users launch an Office XP program and presents individual commands to open an existing file, create a new blank file or one from a template , add a network location, or open Office Help.

The Search task pane includes individual Basic and Advanced modes and allows users to query local or remote locations for files. The Basic mode allows users to perform full-text searches , while the Advanced mode provides additional file property query options. The Office Clipboard has been redesigned as the Clipboard task pane across all Office XP programs and can accommodate up to 24 clipboard items compared to 12 in Office Clipboard items provide a visual representation to help users distinguish different types of content.

Access and Excel support exporting and importing XML. Users can also save Excel workbooks as XML spreadsheets. Office XP introduces handwriting recognition in all Office programs, allowing users to write with a mouse or stylus instead of entering text by typing on a keyboard. Once installed, handwriting functionality is also available in Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express 5 or later.

The downloadable Tablet Pack for Office XP provided an extension for Windows Journal to reuse notes as Outlook items and to import meeting information from Outlook into notes. Speech recognition based on Microsoft Research technology is available for all Office XP programs, allowing users to dictate text into active documents, to change document formatting, and to navigate the interface by voice. The speech recognition feature encompasses two different modes: Dictation, which transcribes spoken words into text; and Voice Command, which invokes interface features.

Speech recognition can be installed during Office XP setup or by clicking the Speech option in the Tools menu in Word When installed, it is available as a Microphone command on the Language toolbar that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen lower-right corner in East-Asian versions of Office XP. When launched for the first time, speech recognition offers a tutorial to improve recognition accuracy, which begins by providing instructions to adjust the microphone for optimal performance.

Users can configure speech recognition settings, including pronunciation sensitivity in voice command mode, accuracy and recognition response time in dictation mode, and microphone settings through the Speech control panel applet.

The Regional and Language Options applet provides Language toolbar and additional settings. With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office:.

Additionally, all Office XP programs provide options for users to digitally sign documents. When upgrading from a previous version of Office, Office XP retains the user’s previous configuration. To improve performance, you can specify the maximum number of records that will be retrieved from a Microsoft SQL Server database for a form or datasheet in an Access project.

An Access or earlier database. In an Access database, this is a field data type. Memo fields can contain up to 65, characters. An Access database or Access project file. An Access database stores database objects and data in an. A collection of data and objects such as tables, queries, or forms that is related to a particular topic or purpose. An object, defined by Access, that relates to Access, its interface, or an application’s forms and reports.

In addition, you can use a Microsoft Access object to program the elements of the interface used for entering and displaying data. A project file doesn’t contain any data or data-definition-based objects, such as tables and views.

A database in Microsoft SQL Server, it consists of tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, functions, and triggers. Describes any variable or constant declared in the Declarations section of a Visual Basic for Applications VBA module or outside of a procedure. Variables or constants declared at the module level are available to all procedures in a module.

These variables are available to all procedures in the module. In an Access project, a data type that stores monetary values in the range ,,,, The large square that is displayed in the upper left corner of the selected control or control layout in Design view or Layout view.

You can drag the handle to move the control or control layout to another location. The mode in which you can move a column in Datasheet view by using the left and right arrow keys. A database that permits more than one user to access and modify the same set of data at the same time. A feature that automatically corrects common side effects that occur when you rename forms, reports, tables, queries, fields, or controls on forms and reports.

However, Name AutoCorrect cannot repair all references to renamed objects. The buttons that you use to move through records. These buttons are located in the lower left corner of the Datasheet view and Form view. The buttons are also available in Print Preview so that you can move through the pages of your document.

The pane that appears when you open an Access database or an Access project. The Navigation Pane displays the objects in the database, and can be customized to sort and group objects in different ways. In an Access project, a fixed-length data type with a maximum of 4, Unicode characters. Unicode characters use 2 bytes per character and support all international characters.

To minimize the duplication of information in a relational database through effective table design. You can use the Table Analyzer Wizard to normalize your database.

Columns with the ntext data type store a byte pointer in the data row, and the data is stored separately. A value you can enter in a field or use in expressions or queries to indicate missing or unknown data. In Visual Basic, the Null keyword indicates a Null value.

Some fields, such as primary key fields, can’t contain a Null value. A field containing a Null value. A null field is not the same as a field that contains a zero-length string ” ” or a field with a value of 0.

In an Access database, a field data type designed for numerical data that will be used in mathematical calculations. Use the Currency data type, however, to display or calculate currency values. In an Access project, a variable-length data type with a maximum of 4, Unicode characters. A fundamental data type representing any object that can be recognized by Visual Basic. Although you can declare any object variable as type Object, it is best to declare object variables according to their specific types.

Shows objects that have a dependency on the selected object and also objects on which the selected object has dependencies. A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties.

The file that contains an object library typically has the file name extension. A type of object exposed by a program through Automation; for example, Application, File, Range, and Sheet. Use the Object Browser in the Visual Basic Editor or refer to the program’s documentation for a complete listing of available objects.

An Access tool that you can use to connect to an SQL database when you create a pass-through query. If you save the query, the connection string is stored with the query. Data and the information needed to access that data from programs and databases that support the Open Database Connectivity ODBC protocol. A database for which an Open Database Connectivity ODBC driver — a driver that you can use for importing, linking to, or exporting data — is supplied.

A program that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another program. A component database architecture that provides efficient network and Internet access to many types of data sources, including relational data, mail files, flat files, and spreadsheets. An object supporting the OLE protocol for object linking and embedding. A field data type that you use for objects created in other programs that can be linked or embedded inserted in an Access database.

An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of many records in the related table. An association between two tables in which the primary key value of each record in the primary table corresponds to the value in the matching field or fields of one, and only one, record in the related table. A control, also called a radio button, that is typically used as part of an option group to present alternatives on a form or report.

A user cannot select more than one option. A frame that can contain check boxes, toggle buttons, and option buttons on a form or report. You use an option group to present alternatives from which the user can select a single option.

A join in which each matching record from two tables is combined into one record in the query’s results, and at least one table contributes all of its records, even if the values in the joined field don’t match those in the other table.

When security is being used, the user account that has control over a database or database object. By default, the user account that created a database or database object is the owner. A portion of the database file in which record data is stored. Depending on the size of the records, a page 4 KB in size may contain more than one record. Used to display page summaries, dates, or page numbers at the bottom of every page in a form or report. In a form, the page footer appears only when you print the form.

Used to display a title, column headings, dates, or page numbers at the top of every page in a form or report. In a form, the page header appears only when you print the form. A query in which a user interactively specifies one or more criteria values. A parameter query is not a separate kind of query; rather, it extends the flexibility of a query. A database that contains only a subset of the records in a full replica. With a partial replica, you can set filters and identify relationships that define which subset of the records in the full replica should be present in the database.

By using pass-through queries, you work directly with the tables on the server instead of the data being processed by the Access database engine. A set of attributes that specifies what kind of access a user has to data or objects in a database. An object stored in the database; for example, a database table or QueryDef object. Dynaset-type or snapshot-type Recordset objects are not considered persistent objects because they are created in memory as needed.

A case-sensitive alphanumeric string that is 4 to 20 characters long and that Access uses in combination with the account name to identify a user or group in an Access workgroup. A type of locking in which the page containing one or more records, including the record being edited, is unavailable to other users when you use the Edit method, and remains unavailable until you use the Update method. A view that shows a graphical analysis of data in a datasheet or form.

You can see different levels of detail or specify the layout by dragging fields and items or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields.

An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data by using format and calculation methods that you choose. You can rotate its row and column headings to view the data in different ways, similar to an Excel PivotTable report.

Data displayed in a row and column format can be moved, filtered, sorted, and calculated in ways that are meaningful for your audience. A view that summarizes and analyzes data in a datasheet or form. You can use different levels of detail or organize data by dragging the fields and items or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields.

The pointer that appears when you move the pointer to the left edge of a field in a datasheet. When the plus pointer appears, you can click to select the entire field. One or more fields columns whose values uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key cannot allow Null values and must always have a unique index.

A primary key is used to relate a table to foreign keys in other tables. The “one” side of two related tables in a one-to-many relationship. A primary table should have a primary key and each record should be unique. A Sub or Function procedure is declared as private by using the Private keyword in a Declare statement.

Private procedures are available for use only by other procedures within the same module. A sequence of declarations and statements in a module that are executed as a unit. Describes any variables or constants declared within a procedure.

Variables and constants declared within a procedure are available to that procedure only. A variable that is declared within a procedure. Procedure-level variables are always private to the procedure in which they’re declared. The set of all code modules in a database, including standard modules and class modules. By default, the project has the same name as the database. A pane that is used to view or modify the properties of various objects such as tables, queries, fields, forms, reports, data access pages, and controls.

A dynamic cross-reference of one or more table data fields columns that permits an ODBC table server table without a unique index to be edited. A public variable can be shared by all the procedures in every module in a database.

In an Access project, a publication can contain one or more published tables or stored procedure articles from one user database. Each user database can have one or more publications. An article is a grouping of data replicated as a unit. To save a database to a document management server, such as a server running Windows SharePoint Services. A question about the data stored in your tables, or a request to perform an action on the data.

A query can bring together data from multiple tables to serve as the source of data for a form or report. In an Access project, an approximate numeric data type with seven-digit precision. It can hold positive values from approximately 1. A control used on a data access page to display a record navigation toolbar.

In a grouped page, you can add a navigation toolbar to each group level. You can customize the record navigation control by changing its properties. A small box that displays the current record number in the lower-left corner in Datasheet view and Form view.

A small box or bar to the left of a record that you can click to select the entire record in Datasheet view and Form view. The underlying source of data for a form, report, or data access page. In an Access database, it can be a table, query, or SQL statement.

In an Access project, it can be a table, view, SQL statement, or stored procedure. The collective name given to table-, dynaset-, and snapshot-type Recordset objects, which are sets of records that behave as objects. The Access database to which the user has established a reference from the current database.

The user can create a reference to a database and then call procedures within standard modules in that database. The current Access database from which the user has created a reference to another Access database. Rules that you follow to preserve the defined relationships between tables when you add, update, or delete records.

In an Access database, to redisplay the records in a form or datasheet to reflect changes that other users have made. In an Access project, to rerun a query underlying the active form or datasheet in order to reflect changes to records. An association that is established between common fields columns in two tables. A relationship can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. Places the element in the natural HTML flow of the document but offsets the position of the element based on the preceding content.

To redraw the screen. The Repaint method completes any pending screen updates for a specified form. A copy of a database that is a member of a replica set and can be synchronized with other replicas in the set. Changes to the data in a replicated table in one replica are sent and applied to the other replicas. The Design Master and all replicas that share the same database design and unique replica set identifier.

The order in which changes are propagated from replica to replica. Topology determines how quickly changes in another replica appear in your replica. The process of copying a database so that two or more copies can exchange updates of data or replicated objects. This exchange is called synchronization. An Access database object that that you can print containing information that is formatted and organized according to your specifications. Examples of reports are sales summaries, phone lists, and mailing labels.

A report section that is used to place information that normally appears at the bottom of the page, such as page numbers, dates, and sums. A report section that is used to place information such as a title, date, or report introduction at the beginning of a report.

A module that includes Visual Basic for Applications VBA code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific report or its controls.

The box where the rulers meet in the upper-left corner of a report in Design view. Use the box to perform report-level operations, such as selecting the report. A file. It preserves the two-dimensional layout, graphics, and other embedded objects of the report.

To rerun a query underlying the active form or datasheet in order to reflect changes to the records, display newly added records, and eliminate deleted records. A word that is part of a language, such as Visual Basic.

Reserved words include the names of statements, predefined functions and data types, methods, operators, and objects. An outer join in which all the records from the right side of the RIGHT JOIN operation in the query’s SQL statement are added to the query’s results, even if there are no matching values in the joined field from the table on the left. A field in the row area of PivotTable view. Items in row fields are listed down the left side of the view.

Will these changes make it easier for a single person to have multiple calendar delegates? These improvements, especially the faster syncing, will make it easier for multiple people to manage the same calendar, but the multi-delegate scenario is not a goal of these initial improvements. For the best experience, only one delegate should manage the shared calendar. Are there any other issues that I should be aware of?

Share your calendar in Outlook on the web for business Calendar delegation in Outlook on the web for business Manage someone else’s calendar in Outlook on the web. Microsoft Outlook. Summary of differences between old and new model of shared calendars. How recipient accesses the shared calendar Reads and writes directly from the owner’s mailbox. How the shared calendar syncs changes The application periodically polls the owner’s mailbox for changes and syncs them. However, if this does not occur, a user can re-create the shared calendar by using one of the two options below: The calendar owner re-shares their calendar.

There are two types of cross-tenant sharing: Microsoft to another Microsoft user if external sharing is enabled. Notes: Older versions of Outlook for Mac use EWS and shows legacy shared calendars that don’t have these improvements. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help.

Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Microsoft different tenant. Syncing happens approximately every three hours. The application periodically polls the owner’s mailbox for changes and syncs them.

Outlook for Windows Outlook for Mac Outlook on the web. Shared from an Outlook.


[Microsoft access 2016 hyperlink free


For the best experience, only one delegate should manage the shared calendar. Are there any other issues that I should be aware of? Share your calendar in Outlook on the web for business Calendar delegation in Outlook on the web for business Manage someone else’s calendar in Outlook on the web. Microsoft Outlook. Summary of differences between old and new model of shared calendars.

How recipient accesses the shared calendar Reads and writes directly from the owner’s mailbox. How the shared calendar syncs changes The application periodically polls the owner’s mailbox for changes and syncs them. However, if this does not occur, a user can re-create the shared calendar by using one of the two options below: The calendar owner re-shares their calendar. There are two types of cross-tenant sharing: Microsoft to another Microsoft user if external sharing is enabled.

Notes: Older versions of Outlook for Mac use EWS and shows legacy shared calendars that don’t have these improvements. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions.

Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback!

Microsoft different tenant. Syncing happens approximately every three hours. The application periodically polls the owner’s mailbox for changes and syncs them. Outlook for Windows Outlook for Mac Outlook on the web.

Shared from an Outlook. Shared between Microsoft users in the same tenant. Shared between Microsoft users in different tenants, with external sharing enabled. Archived from the original on November 7, Archived from the original on December 18, January 4, Archived from the original on December 15, Archived from the original on February 1, Retrieved March 1, Retrieved February 28, Retrieved March 2, Archived from the original on December 21, Retrieved March 3, IT Pro Today.

Retrieved May 10, January 6, Microsoft Support. Archived from the original on September 4, November 7, Archived from the original on November 13, Archived from the original on December 8, Retrieved March 5, Archived from the original on July 22, Archived from the original on November 22, Retrieved March 8, Archived from the original on December 14, Retrieved March 4, Office Assistance Center. Retrieved December 18, July 10, Archived from the original on June 5, Archived from the original on May 6, The Inquirer.

Incisive Media. Archived from the original on March 5, June 28, Archived from the original DOC on January 31, Retrieved January 11, Archived from the original DOC on November 7, Retrieved January 6, Archived from the original DOC on February 7, Retrieved December 31, Archived from the original on September 27, Although Microsoft Outlook is the only version of Outlook to use Windows Desktop Search by default, it’s not the only version that can benefit from it.

June 7, Archived from the original DOC on October 4, Archived from the original on October 20, Archived from the original on January 1, Archived from the original DOC on January 1, Archived from the original DOC on September 1, Archived from the original DOC on October 13, Archived from the original on October 15, Pearson Education.

ISBN Archived from the original on July 14, Archived from the original on October 14, July 5, Retrieved August 10, August 13, Situated in full town center close to restaurants, Each piece is handmade and unique, and cannot be exactly replicated. Slight variation may occur compared to the pictures. Follow me finding.

Earrings purchased are strictly non-exchangeable and non-refundable. Artists Premium is an artistic and event agency specializing in artistic production and organization of shows.

Our agency has a catalog of music bands and professional artists from authentic gospel in the African American style, reggae, jazz, soul, Pop, dance Gospel choir for concerts, weddings, and other events June 09, You are organizing an event and you want to listen to the real gospel? Afro-American gospel: authentic gospel? You are at the right place! Your Gospel Team is a gospel choir, the first one in Switzerland, specialized in the animation of the weddings, concerts, A small box that displays the current record number in the lower-left corner in Datasheet view and Form view.

A small box or bar to the left of a record that you can click to select the entire record in Datasheet view and Form view. The underlying source of data for a form, report, or data access page. In an Access database, it can be a table, query, or SQL statement.

In an Access project, it can be a table, view, SQL statement, or stored procedure. The collective name given to table-, dynaset-, and snapshot-type Recordset objects, which are sets of records that behave as objects.

The Access database to which the user has established a reference from the current database. The user can create a reference to a database and then call procedures within standard modules in that database.

The current Access database from which the user has created a reference to another Access database. Rules that you follow to preserve the defined relationships between tables when you add, update, or delete records. In an Access database, to redisplay the records in a form or datasheet to reflect changes that other users have made.

In an Access project, to rerun a query underlying the active form or datasheet in order to reflect changes to records. An association that is established between common fields columns in two tables. A relationship can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.

Places the element in the natural HTML flow of the document but offsets the position of the element based on the preceding content. To redraw the screen. The Repaint method completes any pending screen updates for a specified form. A copy of a database that is a member of a replica set and can be synchronized with other replicas in the set. Changes to the data in a replicated table in one replica are sent and applied to the other replicas. The Design Master and all replicas that share the same database design and unique replica set identifier.

The order in which changes are propagated from replica to replica. Topology determines how quickly changes in another replica appear in your replica.

The process of copying a database so that two or more copies can exchange updates of data or replicated objects. This exchange is called synchronization. An Access database object that that you can print containing information that is formatted and organized according to your specifications. Examples of reports are sales summaries, phone lists, and mailing labels.

A report section that is used to place information that normally appears at the bottom of the page, such as page numbers, dates, and sums. A report section that is used to place information such as a title, date, or report introduction at the beginning of a report.

A module that includes Visual Basic for Applications VBA code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific report or its controls.

The box where the rulers meet in the upper-left corner of a report in Design view. Use the box to perform report-level operations, such as selecting the report. A file. It preserves the two-dimensional layout, graphics, and other embedded objects of the report.

To rerun a query underlying the active form or datasheet in order to reflect changes to the records, display newly added records, and eliminate deleted records. A word that is part of a language, such as Visual Basic.

Reserved words include the names of statements, predefined functions and data types, methods, operators, and objects. An outer join in which all the records from the right side of the RIGHT JOIN operation in the query’s SQL statement are added to the query’s results, even if there are no matching values in the joined field from the table on the left.

A field in the row area of PivotTable view. Items in row fields are listed down the left side of the view. Inner row fields are closest to the detail area; outer row fields are to the left of the inner row fields. A small box or bar that, when clicked, selects an entire row in table or macro Design view or when you sort and group records in report Design view. The horizontal bar above a form or report section in Design view.

The section bar displays the type and name of the section. Use it to access the section’s property sheet. The box on the left side of a section bar when an object is open in Design view. Use the box to perform section-level operations, such as selecting the section.

An Access workgroup in which users log on with a user name and password and in which access to database objects is restricted according to permissions granted to specific user accounts and groups. An initial value used to generate pseudorandom numbers. For example, the Randomize statement creates a seed number used by the Rnd function to create unique pseudorandom number sequences.

A query that asks a question about the data stored in your tables and returns a result set in the form of a datasheet, without changing the data. The rectangle formed by the currently selected rows records and columns fields within Datasheet view.

A join in which a table is joined to itself. Records from the table are combined with other records from the same table when there are matching values in the joined fields. A field that is displayed in the series area of a chart and that contains series items.

A series is a group of related data points. An individual data value that is plotted in a chart and represented by a column, bar, line, pie or doughnut slice, or other type of data marker. A technique that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type values you want the filtered records to contain.

The data is filtered by the server before it is retrieved from the database. A sequence of operations performed by the Access database engine that begins when a user logs on and ends when the user logs off. All operations during a session form one transaction scope and are subject to the user’s logon permissions. In an Access project, a date and time data type that is less precise than the datetime data type.

Data values range from January 1, , through June 6, , to an accuracy of one minute. In an Access project, a data type that stores monetary values from , When smallmoney values are displayed, they are rounded up to two decimal places. A static image of a set of data, such as the records displayed as the result of a query. Snapshot-type Recordset objects can be created from a base table, a query, or another recordset.

A program that you can use to view, print, or mail a snapshot, such as a report snapshot. Snapshot Viewer consists of a stand-alone executable program, a Snapshot Viewer control Snapview.

An ActiveX control Snapview. The sql variant data type is used in a column, parameter, variable, or return value of a user-defined function. An object tab that displays the SQL statement for the current query or that is used to create an SQL-specific query union, pass-through, or data definition.

A query that consists of an SQL statement. Subqueries and pass-through, union, and data-definition queries are SQL-specific queries. A parameter that indicates the way in which a probability function is centered around its mean and that is equal to the square root of the moment in which the deviation from the mean is squared. A Visual Basic for Applications VBA module in which you can place Sub and Function procedures that you want to be available to other procedures throughout your database.

A precompiled collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements that is stored under a name and processed as a unit. The collection is stored in an SQL database and can be run with one call from a program. Text characters that set apart a string embedded within a string. Single quotation marks ‘ and double quotation marks ” are string delimiters. Unlike a Function procedure, a Sub procedure doesn’t return a value. You begin a Sub procedure with a Sub statement and end it with an End Sub statement.

A datasheet that is nested within another datasheet and that contains data related or joined to the first datasheet. To agree to receive a publication in an Access database or an Access project. A subscriber database subscribes to replicated data from a publisher database.

The database that receives tables and data replicated from a publisher database in an Access project. The process of updating two members of a replica set by exchanging all updated records and objects in each member.

Two replica set members are synchronized when the changes in each have been applied to the other. In an Access project, a special system-supplied, user-defined data type that is used for table columns, variables, and stored procedure parameters that store object names. Database objects that are defined by the system, such as the table MSysIndexes, or by the user.

You can create a system object by naming the object with USys as the first four characters in the object name. A control that you can use to construct a single form or dialog box that contains several pages, each with a tab, and each containing similar controls, such as text boxes or option buttons. When a user clicks a tab, that page becomes active.

A database object that stores data in records rows and fields columns. The data is usually about a particular category of things, such as employees or orders.

In an Access project, a special data type that is used to store a result set in a local variable or return value of a user-defined function for later processing. It can be used in place of a temporary table stored in the tempdb database. In an Access database, an object tab in which you work with tables in Design view or Datasheet view.

In an Access database, attributes of a table that affect the appearance or behavior of the table as a whole. Table properties are set in table Design view, as are field properties.

A control, also called an edit field, that is used on a form or report to display text or accept data entry. A text box can have a label attached to it. Text fields can contain up to characters or the number of characters specified by the FieldSize property, whichever is less. In an Access project, a data type that is automatically updated every time a row is inserted or updated. Values in timestamp columns are not datetime data, but binary 8 or varbinary 8 , indicating the sequence of data modifications.

In an Access project, a data type of 1 byte 8 bits that stores whole numbers in the range of 0 through It can display either text or a picture, and can be stand-alone or part of an option group. Brief descriptions of the names of commands and buttons on the Ribbon. A ToolTip is displayed when the mouse pointer rests on these commands and buttons.

Topology is important because it determines how quickly changes in another replica appear in your replica. A field that summarizes data from the underlying record source. A total field can use a summary function, such as Sum or Count , or use an expression to calculate summary values. A row on a datasheet that displays your choice of summary information for each field, based on the type of data in the field.

A query that displays a summary calculation, such as an average or sum, for values in various fields from a table or tables. A totals query is not a separate kind of query; rather, it extends the flexibility of select queries.

A series of changes made to a database’s data or schema. If any elements of the transaction fail, the entire transaction fails, and data is “rolled back.

A special form of a stored procedure that is carried out automatically when data in a specified table is modified. Triggers are often created to enforce referential integrity or consistency among logically related data in different tables.

A control that is not connected to a field in an underlying table, query, or SQL statement. An unbound control is often used to display informational text or decorative pictures. A form or report that is not connected to a record source such as a table, query, or SQL statement.

The form’s or report’s RecordSource property is blank. A control that you place on a form or report to contain an unbound object.

An unbound object is an object, such as a picture, whose value is not derived from data stored in a table. An index defined by setting a field’s Indexed property to Yes No Duplicates. A unique index will not allow duplicate entries in the indexed field. Setting a field as the primary key automatically defines the field as unique. To accept changes to data in a record.

The changes are saved in the database when you move to another record on a form or datasheet, or when you explicitly save the record. An action query SQL statement that changes a set of records according to criteria search conditions that you specify.

An account identified by a user name and personal ID PID that is created to manage the user’s permissions to access database objects in an Access workgroup. It is defined by the user, and based on existing SQL Server data types. Rules and defaults can only be bound to user-defined data types. User-defined data types can contain one or more elements of any data type. Arrays of user-defined and other data types are created using the Dim statement.

A collection that you create by adding objects to a Collection object. Items in a collection defined by the Collection object are indexed, beginning with 1. A query that takes input parameters and returns a result, similar to a stored procedure. A custom object that is defined in a form or report class module.

In a class module, you can create properties and methods for a new object, create a new instance of the object, and manipulate the object by using those properties and methods. When using user-level security in an Access database, a database administrator or an object’s owner can grant individual users or groups of users specific permissions to tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.

The group account that contains all user accounts. Access automatically adds user accounts to the Users group when you create them. A property that defines valid input values for a field or record in a table, or for a control on a form. Access displays the message specified in the ValidationText property when the rule is violated. The square of the standard deviation.

It is a measure of the amount by which all values in a group vary from the average value of the group. Any expression that can evaluate to numeric, string, or date data, in addition to the special values Empty and Null. For example, a view may contain only 3 out of 10 available columns in a join of two tables, in order to limit access to certain data.

A property of a replica that indicates which members of the replica set it can synchronize with and which conflict resolution rules apply. Replicas fall into three visibility types: global, local, and anonymous. Characters used in queries and expressions to include all records, file names, or other items that begin with specific characters or that match a certain pattern.

In this example, quantity and units are attributes. Combinations of characters and symbols that replace other characters when an XML document is parsed, usually those that have other meanings in XML. A field data type that you use for fields that will contain only one of two values, such as Yes or No and True or False.