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Windows 10 black screen before sign in free download

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How to Fix Black Screen of Death in Windows 10 | AVG – Question Info
What happens when you switch on your computer? You are greeted with the familiar computer manufacturer logo, followed by the Microsoft logo. Some users have complained that Windows 10 is showing a black screen before login. What’s even more frustrating is that it never shows an error code or moves on to the desktop.
Error codes make it simpler and easier to pinpoint the source of the problem. That further helps in narrowing possible solutions. Not in this case, but we did found some solutions that should help. Remove all accessories like mouse, keyboard, and flash drive. Reboot your computer again. Not sure how to reboot without the Start menu? Press and hold the power button until the computer shuts down. Wait a few moments and then power on again. If everything is working as expected, one of the accessories is the culprit.
Reconnect each accessory one at a time to find out which one was causing the error. I would also recommend updating display adapter drivers at this point. I know, but if you haven’t already, check the wires. Most probably, there is something wrong with your display.
Wiggle the monitor’s wire gently to ensure they are in place and the power button is on. You can also check manufacturer’s website for more details.
They may have some common troubleshooting steps for you to try. Try a different port if you have multiple video outputs. Move your mouse or press a key on the keyboard to wake your computer as it might have gone to sleep while you were troubleshooting. This keyboard shortcut has worked for some people. What it does is bring up a hidden menu where you will find four options.
One of them is Task Manager. Try that and witness if that helps you get to the desktop. If yes, then one of the recently installed apps is the culprit running in the background.
Check running processes in the Task Manager or try a clean boot to narrow down possible apps. I also recommend restarting the explorer. Find Windows Explorer, right-click on it, and select restart option. Ideally, you shouldn’t find it but if you do, right-click on it to select End task.
Also, check the Services tab and check if RunOnce is running there. Repeat the same steps but select Stop option this time. It could because of a video card or graphics card error. This shortcut will notify the system of a potential issue and force the system to restart the responsible video driver. The video card will then re-establish the connection with the monitor so give it a few moments to work. I suggest you update your graphics card drivers once the issue is resolved.
Check out point 1 above for a complete guide on drivers. Check the next point if you can’t access Device Manager. Microsoft support recommends this step. Continue pressing it until you are on PC screen only. You may select another option depending on your setup. If you are unable to view anything due to the black screen, press the shortcut four times to toggle through all options.
If the setting was changed, you will witness success. If not, you will come back to the default option as there are only 4 to choose from. Booting into Safe Mode can help you troubleshoot a lot of problems. We have written an in-depth guide on different ways to do it. I suggest you enter the Safe Mode with a network connection because that will allow you to access the internet.
You need that to download and update drivers. We discussed this above in point 1 and 3. For those who skipped, update display adapter, external accessories, video, and graphics card drivers. Rolling back to a previous one or reinstalling the drivers may also help.
The Fast Startup feature in Windows 10 reduces the time your computer takes to start after shut down. While the feature has its pros and cons , it can cause errors like the black screen before login in Windows Use the Safe Mode if you are unable to access these settings normally. Step 2: Click on ‘Change settings that are currently unavailable’ and disable ‘Turn on fast startup recommended option. Your user account may have been corrupted.
It could be either a Standard or Admin account. Create a new user account if you can using the Safe Mode or any other way and check if the issue is resolved. Are you still greeted with the black screen before login? This is for those who view a black screen upon startup, but it is not stuck on the black screen.
It lingers for a few minutes, and then you are taken to the desktop. That means your computer is getting old and slow, or there are too many apps enabled at startup. You can enable or disable apps here. I recommend disabling all apps that you don’t use frequently or that won’t break functionality if not enabled by default. I mean, you can enable Spotify manually when needed, right? If nothing seems to have worked so far, then there is no other way left.
Take a backup of everything using the Safe Mode and then reset or restore your computer to fix the issue. Of course, there might be some data loss and that’s why we recommend taking a backup. The black screen before login can be scary, especially because it leaves you with few options. You can’t access anything, and there is this fear of data loss. The Safe Mode is the best option in this situation, which will further open the gates for other troubleshooting steps.
Next up: Can’t keep up with the time differences between several countries? Adding multiple clocks to your Windows PC could help. Check out two ways to get it done. Tired of entering the password every time you log in to Windows 10? In this guide, we’ll explain how to disable Login password when you want to sign into Windows. Are you having issues connecting to the external drivers on your device?
Here are solutions for ‘could not reconnect all network drives’ error on Windows Want to clear your File Explorer search history? Here’s how to clear and disable File Explorer ‘s entire search history in Windows Microsoft Store is an integral part of Windows If you facing the freezing issue in Microsoft Store, then try out these top ways to fix the Microsoft Store freezing issue.
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Learn how to add Google Drive to the File Explorer to quickly view, modify, and delete Google Drive files without opening a web browser or an app.
A Complete Guide to Fix the Windows 10 Black Screen After Login Problem: 5 Different Solutions.Troubleshoot black screen or blank screen errors – Microsoft Support
My main PC recently upgraded to Windows 10 November edition and now it immediately boots into a black screen. I can move the mouse around, but I can’t login because I have a black screen. I can see the hard drive light blinking, meaning that there is activity and the system appears to be loading and doing things, but that’s it. All I get is the black screen of death before login. There is no way for me to enter into Safe Mode since the F8 key during startup is no longer part of Windows I am at a complete loss and fear having to reinstall Windows.
Can you please help! Thankfully I have another laptop here that you can connect to in order to guide me. I asked if Hillary would like me to connect to her laptop in order to try and correct the issue on the PC using my remote desktop support service , and she agreed.
The black screen of death – as this problem is also affectionately known as – appears to be wide-spread issue especially after a major update to Windows 10, beginning with branch , , and now Users experiencing this issue see a black screen before login with or without a mouse pointer active.
The last option disable fast boot is what fixed Hillary’s problem. I’ll explain this in more detail below. In previous editions of Windows, one could press F8 repeatedly during boot to access Safe Mode in order to further diagnose an issue such as the black screen of death, however the F8 option has been removed from Windows There is a way to access what is now called the “Recovery Environment”, which will then allow you to access to either Safe Mode or a Windows command line.
If you still have a black screen at login, continue on to the section labeled 3. Disable Fast Boot, Option C further down. Based on my experience with the black screen of death issue, uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics driver usually fixes the problem. If Windows 10 boots into a black screen still, you will need to disable Fast Boot – described next. Based on my experience disabling Fast Boot will also fix the black screen of death.
In fact, this is what fixed Hillary’s problem. To disable Fast Boot inside of the Windows environment, you must input commands into an administrative command prompt. These commands are fairly long to type in; as such, it is best if you can copy and paste the commands using your mouse.
This is only possibly if you can boot the problematic machine into Safe Mode with Networking and you have Internet and you can access this page.
If you still cannot boot the machine normally, you are welcome to contact me for additional 1-on-1 support. You will need to follow the same Steps above, except you will have to manually type in the commands rather than copy and pasting them into the command line with your mouse. The commands must be typed in exactly as it is written, or it will fail. Note that the powercfg command won’t respond with any output if it’s typed in properly; the “REG ADD” command will say “The operation completed successfully.
You don’t need to type in the “echo hi” command. Once complete, reboot the machine as usual via the Start menu and the machine should boot back into Windows normally. If it does not boot properly, then you are welcome to contact me for additional support. If Windows 10 boots into a black screen even after you told it to boot into Safe Mode, you will need to initiate the Recovery Environment again, and then disable fast boot manually using a command line.
This means you will have to type in the commands by hand, which won’t be easy unfortunately. If the machine still does not boot normally, you are welcome to contact me for additional support, described next. The Windows 10 black screen before login problem – otherwise known as ” the black screen of death ” – is a very problematic issue to fix. If all of this is over your head, or if you need help fixing the black screen of death, I can help using my remote support service.
Simply contact me , briefly describing the issue and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Note that in order for me to provide this service, you will need access to another PC or laptop so that I can connect to it and instruct you accordingly. I need more computer questions. If you have a computer question – or even a computer problem that needs fixing – please email me with your question so that I can write more articles like this one. I can’t promise I’ll respond to all the messages I receive depending on the volume , but I’ll do my best.
About the author: Dennis Faas is the owner and operator of Infopackets. With over 30 years of computing experience, Dennis’ areas of expertise are a broad range and include PC hardware, Microsoft Windows, Linux, network administration, and virtualization. For technical support inquiries, Dennis can be reached via Live chat online this site using the Zopim Chat service currently located at the bottom left of the screen ; optionally, you can contact Dennis through the website contact form.
Jump to Navigation. Search form Search. Infopackets Reader Hillary K. Below I will discuss my findings. How to Fix: Windows 10 Black Screen Before Login The black screen of death – as this problem is also affectionately known as – appears to be wide-spread issue especially after a major update to Windows 10, beginning with branch , , and now Enable Safe Mode via Recovery Environment In previous editions of Windows, one could press F8 repeatedly during boot to access Safe Mode in order to further diagnose an issue such as the black screen of death, however the F8 option has been removed from Windows To do so: Power on the machine.
As soon as you see the blue Windows logo appear the 4 blue squares in the middle of the screen , press and hold the power button on the PC for 5 to 10 seconds.
This will forcefully shut it off. Timing is critical here, so press and hold the power button as soon as the Windows logo appears. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 three times.
On the third time, your machine will boot into the Recovery Environment. Proceed to the next step. You should now see a screen entitled “Automatic Repair”. Choose the “Advanced options” button.
On the following page, click “Troubleshoot”. On the proceeding page, click “Advanced options”, then “Startup Settings”, then click “Restart. Your PC will reboot and show you a “Startup Settings” blue screen. Press 5 or F5 on the keyboard to boot the machine into Safe Mode with Networking. The “System” window will appear. Click “Device Manager” from the top left. Once the “Device Manager” window appears, scroll down to the “Display Adapters” and click the arrow button to expand the menu.
Your display adapter should be listed. Left click to select the adapter, then press DEL on the keyboard to delete the adapter. Windows 10 will ask if you want to uninstall the graphics driver. Select “Yes”. You can now attempt to reboot the machine to see if that fixed your problem. If so, your graphics driver will reinstall itself after Windows 10 loads successfully.
Disable Fast Boot Based on my experience disabling Fast Boot will also fix the black screen of death. There are three ways to deal with this: Option A : boot back into Safe Mode with Networking and access this page from the Internet To disable Fast Boot inside of the Windows environment, you must input commands into an administrative command prompt.
Assuming this is the case, do the following: Click Start, then type in “cmd” no quotes ; wait for “CMD. Highlight the below text with your mouse, then right click over the highlighted text and select “Copy” from the dialogue menu to place it into your clipboard.
The text you copied in Step 2 will be output to the command line. You can now reboot your machine and you should be able to login to it again. Option B : if you are in Safe Mode and you don’t have Internet access and can’t access this page online You will need to follow the same Steps above, except you will have to manually type in the commands rather than copy and pasting them into the command line with your mouse.
Option C : if your computer won’t boot into Safe Mode and you still get a black screen If Windows 10 boots into a black screen even after you told it to boot into Safe Mode, you will need to initiate the Recovery Environment again, and then disable fast boot manually using a command line.
On the proceeding page, click “Advanced options”, then click “Command Prompt”. A black command prompt window should appear. You will need to type in the following commands exactly as it is written, or the command will fail. Additional 1-on-1 Support: From Dennis The Windows 10 black screen before login problem – otherwise known as ” the black screen of death ” – is a very problematic issue to fix.
Got a Computer Question or Problem? Ask Dennis! Filed under:. Windows Tips. Rate this article:. Leave this field blank. Need Help? If you need technical assistance , I can help.
Click here to email me now ; optionally, you can review my resume here. You can also read how I can fix your computer over the Internet also includes user reviews. Most popular articles Being Blackmailed for Money on Facebook? Forgot Password? Free Guide. Privacy Policy Terms of Service.